Monday, July 11, 2011


For many years I have always wanted a new look, but I never had the courage to exactly to do. As of February 2011, I called my favorite stylist Kyra, and had to do it. I mean why not, I see all these girls cutting their hair and it looks so dope. As she was cutting my hair I felt empowered and my confidence boost was undeniable. All i can say girls if you need confidence, go head and cut your hair. It truly works

Friday, May 14, 2010

MassArt Senior Collection Fashion Show...

I had the opportunity to be apart of MassArt Senior Collection Fashion Show thanks to Jackie Cotter which I modeled for. This was not your average college runway show. These designers could have competed in "Project Runway". I was so amazed by how many young talented designers Boston had to offer and they say you have to go to NEW YORK psst..please Boston is one of the most Fashionable is just swept under the rug most of the time. Me n The girls had so much fun backstage.... Also The makeup and hairstlylist did an amazing job.

Jackie Cotter Collection was called "LIMELIGHT"
Women's special occasion based on New York City's eccentric nightlife scene of the 1980's - as featured in the movie Party Monster, created with various fabrics,bright colors and embellishments.

Congrats to the Class Of 2010!!!!!!!!!!


Boston Herald May 13,2010...Models right to left..(Me) Tatiana Elise, Kimberly Talbot, Audrey auidi, Regan Hartley, and Lizzy Amas
Hair and Make Up by: Kati Quist & Amanda Orlando...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ciara Bringing it Hard in 2010.......

Ciara - Basic Instinct (U Got Me)

I have been a fan of Ciara since "Goodies" back in 2003, she is an all around performer....Even though her last CD didnt pull in a huge audience I am sure her next Album is going to be amazing...she is collaborating with producers like The dream and Timbaland..... Her new Single "Ride" ft Ludracris is also doing great on the radio .....That video is AMAZING....SMILES

Sunday, May 2, 2010

NYC - My day trip to audition for MTV's Real World

High waisted shorts- Forever 21
white high top sneakers- H&M
Ray Ban Purple Sunglasses
Black & Gold Chunky Necklace- H&M

Last week, I applied for MTV's Real World, and I Recieved a VIP PASS to audition in NYC....
As soon as I recieved that news I booked my Peter Pan bus...
As I arrived to the Casting I seen so many characters...Students, musicians, Fashionistas, all types of young ppl.
The first thing I had to do was fill out a questionaire..Questions consisted of...Whats your most embarrasing moment?.. How would your closest friends describe you?...
They seperated us in to a group of 10....and we procedded into a room with a casting directing and started to put questions out on the table...

I liked the question What do you consider Cheating? This question gained our attention the most and we all got into it. Especailly because this one guy said, "Its only a problem if you get caught"....he was the only guy My answer was the worst thing you can do is Emotional cheating because ones you gain feeling than theres no changing that..anyone can just have sex with someone...

After the casting, he said you will hear if you got called backed b4 7pm.....Unfortunatly I didnt get a CALLBACK but oh well atleast I tried and it was a fun experience....Afterwards, Me n two friends from the casting walked to Times square and decided to get a bite to was so fun...

Thank god, I left at 430pm because later on that evening there was a CAR BOMB found in TIME SQUARE around 7pm.......

Back To Blogging : The New Me 2010

As 2010 arrived Ive noticed how much I have changed....(State of Mind, Relationship,Friends)
I am now 21 years old and I can honestly say that for 2010 I plan to strive for excellence and make my dreams come true. Eventhough, I always come towards obstacles.
More About Me....
Full Time Student - I attend the University of Massachusetts - Boston .....I currently have no declared major because I have no idea what i wanna do with my life because I am interested in So many things....
Modeling - Since December of 09' I have gained a huge interest of modeling I think fashion has taught me how to express ones self and to make a statement.
Local Designers,photographer and Magazines Ive Modeled For.....
  • Shades of Love
  • Yadira
  • The Don
  • Sparklle Thames
  • Charles
  • Elbert John
  • Diallo Fergusan
  • Mod Boston
  • Complete Models-East
  • Iggy Photography
  • dimonika Photography
  • Victoria Secret Valentines Show

GirlFriend- 02-07-10 Changed my view on love. I am currently in a relationship with a person I know truly loves me for me. He is my best friend and I cant ask for anything better. Love You babe......

Singer- I have recently joined an Old School Act called FOXX featuring 3 young ladies that share the love of Old School Music. I am one of the lead vocalist. Ive had an interest in singing for years but never thought I was great. But, with practice I have strengthen my voice.

well theres more to come so stay stuned........

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cycle 13 ANTM Audition = Chaos

March 14th 2009.This was the craziest experience ever. I arrived at park central around 3am and at that time there was no direction on where the line started or ended. I proceeded to go in line where it seemed to be the end, but no I was bombarded by girls acting so catty. So I proceeded to 55Th street. So then I decided to set up my spot. I had my back pack and blanket and I was all set. After hours of feeling homeless on the New York City streets a security guard decided it was a good idea to open the revolving door around 7:30 am. After that move, it was chaos. All I seen were girls running towards the doors, So I was like OK let me run, too. People were in outrage knowing that people that just arrived were taking there spots in front of them. As I arrived in front of the door. I was bombarded by girls all around me. Being pushed and shoved left from right. Imagine not being able to breathe or feel ya legs because their turning numb. At that moment there were still no security and things were getting out of hand. Also, people were in the streets and people in their cars were trying to pull out their parking spots. But not able to because so many people were not moving.
So it's now around 8am and it is even worse. More people were arriving and shoving to get in front of the entrance. At this point, NYPD started to arrive. Even though people felt this chaos was going to end. The NYPD just stood there like bystanders. At this moment I was so mad. Some people couldn't take it anymore so left. I felt that was so sad because i remember one girl saying that she was here since 11pm and she just gave up because others were endangering her well being. It wasn't fair. Tensions escalated when two guys started to fight because one guy threw a pillow in his face. Also one lady proceeded to jump a car and started to swear on top of her lungs repeating "Back The F' Up". I was shocked. People started to say that this could of been prevented if they had security in the first place. I agreed. After being in a crazy line for about 5 hours I finally managed to go inside to audition. Many girls were so angry at that moment. Our audition was about a half a second because of all the chaos outside. NYPD threatened to shut it down numerous of times. So they had to rush the audition. As she read back the numbers she picked I didn't hear my mines. It was over, I was not Americas Next Top Model. All I thought was all of this for nothing. But, Hey at least I tried.

Here's an article from Fox
Six Hurt At America's Next Top Model Audition

Six women have been hurt in a "stampede" outside an audition for hit TV show America's Next Top Model.Chaos erupted in the street as thousands of hopefuls waited in line in New York.Two women and a man have been arrested on charges of inciting to riot and disorderly conduct, a police official said.Panic spread after a car belching smoke pulled up alongside the queue and someone shouted "fire", according to local media reports.A man then allegedly leapt from a car and began grabbing at the hopefuls' bags.Some of the women had waited all night to audition for the show, which is presented by former supermodel Tyra Banks.Six received medical treatment after feeling faint. It is believed two were taken to hospital.Some of the women fled in the panic, leaving the street littered with clothes, shoes, sleeping bags and chairs.Police called a halt to the audition which was being held in a Manhattan hotel.But the rest were furious the audition had been axed and refused to leave.Modelling hopeful Jessica Paravati told Fox News: "Everyone is really angry, it's not fair. We're all still standing here."It makes absolutely no sense. No one came out here and explained anything."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Couple To Watch Out For.

OK, there has been rumors saying that Amber Rose was a former stripper but who cares. People are just jealous because she managed to change her life for the better.

Kanye west and Amber Rose are defiantly a fashion-forward couple. They hit up fashion shows and make by-standers stare. Hey I don't blame kanye for wanting someone that outshines his swagger. Watch Out Kanye. Amber's Taking your spot.